Reading for Nonprofit Leaders

I’ve recently read four terrific books and added them to my list of recommended reading for nonprofit, association, and chamber of commerce leaders.

These books provide excellent insight and solid how-to tips for dealing with the challenges they each address.

If you are looking for an inspirational boost, how to deal with membership struggles, how to be more successful with your fundraising and development efforts, or how to make your goal for diversity work; these resources will be most helpful.

A Coach And A Miracle by Jim Johnson

A wonderful story about hope, perseverance, and positivity. This book chronicles the life lessons experienced by a man who believed in an autistic boy.

Although “The Miracle” became a national media sensation, the journey of a coach and his player was not without challenges and plenty of adversity to overcome.

A terrific read for inspiration and reinforcement of the notion that we all can make a difference in the lives of others.

MemberShift by Sarah Sladek

This book answers the question, Why do members leave?, and provides the strategies proven to bring them back.

When Sarah Sladek is talking about membership, I’m going to pay attention. This book is essential reading for those working with membership based organizations.

I have bought extra copies for sharing with my consulting clients.


Get That Money, Honey! by Rhea Wong

This is the no-bullsh*t guide to raising more money for your nonprofit.

Any nonprofit professional involved with development work should read this book. Rhea Wong shares resources, solid advice, and plenty of how-tos. Fundraisers from beginners to experienced veterans will benefit from this resource.

 If you’re raising money for nonprofits-get this book!

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion for dummies by Dr. Shirley Davis

Research shows that most nonprofit organizations have a goal for board diversity, however research also shows there is a significant gap in organizations who are taking action to achieve their goal.

This book by Dr. Shirley Davis is a terrific resource for nonprofits and their boards who want to develop board diversity but don’t know how.

In addition to these recommendations, I have also added books by Dorie Clark, Stephen Covey, Michael Lewis, Rasmus Ankersen, Frank Luntz,

Leslie R. Crutchfield & Heather McLeod Grant, Lester Salamon, Brian Tracy, and Steven Mandis to my list. 

Click here to see full list.

The collection is divided into these categories for easy reference.

  • Board Performance/Governance
  • Volunteer Engagement/Membership Recruitment & Retention
  • Strategic Planning
  • Capacity Building/ Performance Improvement
  • Leadership/Team Development
  • Sponsorship Development/Fundraising
  • Branding/Publicity
  • Customer Service
  • Organizational Basics
  • Chamber of Commerce Focus
  • Special Publications & Reports


What books have you read recently that you would recommend to our nonprofit community? 

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